How To Be Happy - Happiness Benefits

Benefits? Isn't that enough to be happy in itself?

Well yes, that is, but you might consider all the consequences of being happy.

People usually think that happiness encompass all the good feeling, it is a bit too simplistic.

Let's make a list and go through the points in more details.

Of course this list is not exhaustive; it is only a reflection of what I can think of at the moment of the writing of this article.
  • Friends
  • Yes, exactly, friends. That emotional feeling of happiness is contagious! The happier you are, the more people will enjoy sticking around with you. You become enjoyable, a model! People want to know you achieve that well-being state, want advices from you. You will always find people that won't like you. Whatever your mind-state, those people will just be jealous! 
    Yes, jealous. That's so easy to be jealous, and that's even easier to find excuses for us. "He had far more opportunities than I had", "My dog died, it was very hard", etc... You don't need that kind of acquaintance; they will just try to diminish you in the eyes of your true friends. Well you could always try to 'convert' them, but that is only if you have time to waste! 
  • Wealth
  • Money! It is no magic, it won't just appear out of nowhere in your pocket or bank account! You will still have to work! But tell me, have you already noticed the difference between working when you were feeling great and working when you were sad or very disappointed. The difference in results was HUGE! Now let's try a little exercise, imagine if you were always very happy, you would always perform superbly! You'd be eager to do even more, you'd feel unstoppable. Welcome to the first stage of successful people. 
  • Health
  • We are not only a mind, we also are a body! Those 2 things are much linked! What you mind think, the body kind of materializes! (No you can't generate gold that way!). Now take a hypochondriac. That sort of person who thinks he/she is always sick? Know what they will get sick! They are only asking their body to match their state of mind! 
     On the other side, happy people never think about disease! If it has to happen it will happen, meanwhile I don't have to 'pray' for it to come faster (by always thinking about it). Happy people are healthier people! Let's step a bit further: Studies proved than happy people lived longer than unhappy people. That gives even more reason to be happy. You will be able to share with your family some more year than expected by the statistics! 
  • Success
  • Success is different than wealth. You don't have to be wealthy to feel successful. As long as things go as you have planned, you are successful enough! People will try to judge you, compare you with others. It doesn't matter! If you feel you are doing well, you are successful! 
  • Spirituality
  • Hum, generally, wealth and spirituality do not go well together right? False! This is a misconception! You can be wealthy and be very spiritual! I'd say it can even be easier to become spiritual when you have the money. Why? You don't have to work; it gives you more time to devote to your study/practice. You don't have to worry about having enough money to pay the bills. That gives you an inner peace which is mandatory to reach a good level of spirituality. You could pay expensive teacher, and get the best training, instead of relying on some local flaky 3 days training guru's wannabe.
After having seen all those benefits, nobody would want to be miserable. Actually almost everybody would like to be happy. Some people still prefer to live miserably. Why you ask? Because it is easier! Everybody is supporting you, you have excuses for everything, and you have far less responsibilities!

Now What To Do ?
Finding its way out to happiness is certainly not easy, well, for most people.
Methods have been developed, tools have been created to help you reaching such state.
Actually, too many tools have been developed and people are getting lost finding the good one.

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