How Did I Get This Way?

I wanted to break a cycle of abuse, selfishness, controlling behavior, pride, and arrogance/authority from my life. Which led me to think a lot about why people do the things they do and what's the right way to go. Those thoughts are what you read as postings now.

When my daughter was born, it became even more important to me to remove all the negative and hurtful behaviors from our life. I wanted better for her. I wanted her to walk in love and light, so to speak.

I'm not anything special. I'm a people - just like everybody. It just really mattered to me to end the cycle of pain and it's been a quest I've continued my whole life.

Where does love begin? Where does pain and hurt begin? Can a person be both loving and hurtful in the same space in their life? What motivates pain? What motivates hurting? How do we stop it? How do we make it right when we can't stop it?

While others around me were complaining about how dark an scary an unsafe the world was getting, I continue my personal quest to remove all that dark and scary from my own personal space.

What I've discovered is the lessons apply to everything. We all have the capacity to act each way. We all have the capacity to choose. We can refuse to accept responsibility for our choice and just say oh that's just me and I can't fix that in my life. Or we can face the ugly in each one of us and spend some time there and make it a priority - I want those gunkies out of here!!!

When my daughter was in high school I divorced and t was just her and I again. By then she was old enough to decide for herself, so i explained what I'd been working on my whole life.

The family I grew up in had some really bad behavior traits. But behaviors are learned and anything learned can be unlearned. I don't know if I can accomplish it in my life, but I want those bad traits to end so I'm working on overcoming them. You have fewer of them than I do. I hope your kids have even fewer in them. If we keep trying then one day our family line won't have any!!! We'd be free to live and love and be generous and kind without fearing and hiding all the time.

She liked the idea and said she wanted to work with me on it. She also agreed to continue the quest with her own kids when they come along.

We drew close have long philosophical discussions around why we react a certain way and where was it learned, how did we learn that? How do we fix that? How will she teach it to her kids? And bit by bit we challenged and changed and grew and overcame.

It's been 7 years since the divorce and our talk. We decided it was time to start the website and coaching company to see if anyone else could benefit from what we've come to know.

You don't have to have pain, selfishness, manipulation, abuse, controlling behavior, bad finances, rudeness, yelling, or any of those kinds of things in your life. And if you do, they don't have to hurt you. You can get through.

That's our legacy. We're giving while we continue growing because generosity should be part of everything, not just at the end of the journey.

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