Advice On How To Build A Close Relationship With God

By Francis Riggs

Lacking a spiritual connection with the lord is normal. People question what they are taught in the church and lose their faith. This is the common trend right now. People no longer take church as serious as they did sometimes back. They are busier than ever. To get back to how things were, here are tips on how to build a close relationship with God.

The first thing they must do is to make a habit of praying daily. One should pray daily and not be afraid to let God know their sins. Remember He already knows our thoughts, imperfections, and fear. Thus, when we open our minds to Him with repentance, our minds get clear and we get closer than we were before. Pray even you get a small break.

The other way to do it is to spend some quiet time with the lord. Everyone is so busy nowadays trying to make ends meet. Most people no longer see it as important to have session with the Lord. We should forgo some things and make it a priority in our daily life.

Always read the bible and pray. The bible is important to a Christian as the scriptures are meant to guide and give hope to the believers. Reading it the same book everyday seems as a boring tasks but one should device ways to make the scripture reading sessions enjoyable. There are guides and other tools they can use. Another way to do it is to divide the whole book into small sections and read one section after the other. Somebody who does this will finish the whole book in no time.

The best thing if you feel that you have less faith, it is advisable to spend time with other church members. The best thing to do is to look for a support group or bible study group. They will encourage you.

The church is considered as wholly and the God lives. Going to church rejuvenates the belief one has about the Christian values. In church, you will find the most conducive environment. The fellowships, the meetings the pastor and people you can talk to. Instead of staying at home, visit the church to learn more about the bible and God.

Faith is the belief in something that has not happened. If one loses faith in God, the best thing to do is to strengthen their faith. The best way to do it is to fast and pray. Through this, we get to strengthen our belief in the ability of our maker. Even if one goes through hard times, they should remain in faith.

A close relationship with the lord is possible for all. If we dedicate towards finding it, we will be at peace with our selves. The above tips will help those who have lost their faith to try to restore it. The bible says that if we ask for something, we will receive it. Therefore, instead of giving up, one should strive to be strong and dedicated to the Lord and the church. With effort and dedication, we will make it.

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