Effective True Lover Tests For Men And Women

By Elaine Guthrie

Genuine love is becoming difficult to find in the present days. Most promises are broken immediately they are made. How do you ascertain that what the lover promised is genuine and will last? There are a few true lover tests that will reveal the extent of compassion as promised by your partner. Actions are the best gauge.

It takes genuine love to be fearless in expressing affection. This is a person who does not fear in public or private and is comfortable whenever the love bug bites. Nothing else matters when it comes to expressing affection if it comes from the heart. Such a partner will take bold steps whenever expected for the sake of your happiness.

Genuine love shows a lot of concern for the other person. This happens through regular inquiry to know how you are doing and if there is something the person can do to make things better. A genuine lover will be concerned about your health, family, career, friends, relationships, personal goals, passion, etc. It comes with a feeling of companionship regardless of whatever you may be going through in life. With a genuine person, you will never feel alone.

Partners do not agree on everything concerning the other person. An understanding partner knows that you have unique abilities but also appreciates your weaknesses. It is in understanding your weaknesses and the extent of your abilities that genuine love is demonstrated. This is a person who will allow you to indulge in individual interests from time to time without causing a fuss.

Attention is crucial in maintaining the fire of love. It does not mean physical attention or always being there. It means being alive to inner desires, personal goals, unsaid words, appearance and the general well being. A person who is genuinely in love does not need to be told about your needs. Such a person has the right words for each moment and knows when to remain silent.

Genuine love does not leave any room for secrecy on matters affecting the two of you. Lovers share issues relating to personal life, daily challenges and joys, finances, passion and weaknesses. The idea is to reveal anything that affects the other person. It brings comfort and confidence in the knowledge that you are sharing common goals and destiny. Such a relationship will thrive because you are working towards the same dream.

Lovers should make effort towards a common good. Genuine love means toiling on daily basis to ensure that you remain together and achieve shared dreams. Each partner makes effort towards achieving a better future as a couple. This is a call for each partner to make personal contribution towards a better relationship. Each must focus on being the best man or woman that there can be.

Jealousy and protectiveness are a natural part of true love. This comes from the desire to ensure that nothing separates you. As much as it is healthy to be jealous, it should not get to the level of destruction. It manifests in possessiveness where each partner wants to enjoy the full attention of the other. These are the acts that determine if the test is passed or failed.

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