How To Own Your Greatest Fears

By Evan Sanders

Find solace in touching your deepest wounds. There you will find yourself. There you will find peace.

It's completely okay to not be okay.

Because really, as much as we pretend, sometimes it isn't okay.

Putting on a smile to try to convince everyone that you're alright is never that convincing. Everyone can tell. Why not be vulnerable with them and tell them the truth?

Sometimes, things really do hurt you...badly...and you don't have to pretend that you're unwoundable.

This is truly what makes us all completely unique and special.

We all suffer in completely different ways from one another but in the end, we are all feeling something deep down in our hearts.

Life would be very boring if there weren't any opportunities to get hurt. But that's what makes life worth living - the ability to risk for the reward and to recover when we lose.

Be real as all hell. Be authentic. Be every last inch of yourself and never stray from your path.

Don't cheat yourself by pretending to be someone or something you're not. Your heart knows the difference between the real you and the fake you. Every time you try to fake it you create chaos within yourself.

The greatest healing is done with honesty, compassion, and love towards yourself. If we can turn our compassion towards ourselves and heal old wounds, we allow ourselves to take on the pains of others with compassion as well.

However, if we avoid taking this journey, that's when your deepest suffering continues.

Every single day you have to be willing to confront your deepest fears and be willing to heal the wounds that are asking for your attention.

Because in the end, if you take this journey, you will find out that the fears you had weren't so big at all. There were just shadows dancing in the night trying to make you believe they were something else.

Don't worry about heading into the dark tunnel of fear...

You are the light.

This light will illuminate everything you've ever feared.

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